At Sproutveda by Nishkala Digitals, we want you to be fully satisfied with your purchase. If you are not completely satisfied with your order, we offer a straightforward refund policy, subject to the following conditions:

  1. Eligibility for Refunds:
  • To be eligible for a refund, items must be returned within 10 business days of delivery in their original condition, unused, and in the original packaging. Products that have been damaged or consumed may not be eligible for a refund.
  1. Initiating a Refund:
  • To request a refund, please contact our customer service team at within 10 business days of receiving your order. You will be required to provide your order number and details of the item(s) you wish to return.
  1. Return Process:
  • Once your refund request is approved, we will provide you with instructions on how to return the item(s). Please ensure that the item(s) are securely packaged to prevent damage during transit.
  1. Refund Processing Time:
  • Refunds will be processed to the original method of payment within 10 business days after we receive and inspect the returned item(s). Please note that shipping costs are non-refundable.
  1. Contact Us:
  • If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy, please contact us. Our customer service team is here to assist you and ensure your satisfaction.

Thank you for choosing Sproutveda for your wellness journey. We appreciate your business and strive to provide you with the best possible experience.